Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Announcement: Youjo Senki vol 2.

Although Skythewood hasn't moved the project to their "done/dropped" section yet, the project page does say "Teaser project done" and they don't have a projected date of the next chapter, so I'm going to start a TL of this series from volume 2 on.

I don't have anyone helping me and although I'm a native english speaker and very experienced in japanese (I'm doing this to help smooth out my reading comprehension of more advanced kanji), I haven't participated in many translation projects (I used to TL for FTH scans) and I feel my useage of english can be a bit stiff in my TL's, so I'm going to try and improve that as well.

Being as how I don't have help and I have a life pls don't expect regular updates. as of the publishing of this post I've only just started to read through book 2 as they've just arrived. Also if the use of english in the translations isn't to your liking I'll apologize in advance. I'm not super eloquent or anything so it might come out a little stiff. Please be aware that I am trying to improve. Thanks.

Also: I cannot find raws of this book anywhere and not only do I not posess a scanner, I don't want to tear apart my copy of this book so there will be no LN pictures in my posts, just the translation.