Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Announcement: Youjo Senki vol 2.

Although Skythewood hasn't moved the project to their "done/dropped" section yet, the project page does say "Teaser project done" and they don't have a projected date of the next chapter, so I'm going to start a TL of this series from volume 2 on.

I don't have anyone helping me and although I'm a native english speaker and very experienced in japanese (I'm doing this to help smooth out my reading comprehension of more advanced kanji), I haven't participated in many translation projects (I used to TL for FTH scans) and I feel my useage of english can be a bit stiff in my TL's, so I'm going to try and improve that as well.

Being as how I don't have help and I have a life pls don't expect regular updates. as of the publishing of this post I've only just started to read through book 2 as they've just arrived. Also if the use of english in the translations isn't to your liking I'll apologize in advance. I'm not super eloquent or anything so it might come out a little stiff. Please be aware that I am trying to improve. Thanks.

Also: I cannot find raws of this book anywhere and not only do I not posess a scanner, I don't want to tear apart my copy of this book so there will be no LN pictures in my posts, just the translation. 


  1. Hi, when do you estimate a chapter release?
    Thank you for picking up this project! :D

    1. the first chapter is about 60 pages, so I can finish that in about a month if I work at a steady pace. I'd probably stretch that to 2 just in case irl things get in the way.

  2. I love you <3 you are my new favorite person of 2016-2017. I will not that it is hard to comment on this site but there are tons of people i know who are quite happy that you are doing this and cant wait to see the results. Thank you very much!

  3. if you want pictures from the light novel together, someone already post all the pictures from the light novel to facebook

  4. From Skythewood's Discord:
    From their site:
    Seems like they are going to continue it.

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